The Kaiju are the Kings of the Monsters: Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan among them. The Kaiju series are a new line of straps that emphasize comfort, functionality, and exceptional strength with material that makes them the king of all straps.
The Kaiju material is light and comfortable, washable and will not fade or come off on your clothing. Despite the more premium cosmetic features, Kaiju line products are just as strong as their standard counterparts.
Missing a glute/ham raise in your home gym or weight room? The Glute/Ham Strap is an inexpensive, equally effective alternative to a full GHR. The strap attaches to any bench or study pad, turning equipment you already own into one.
The strap targets your hamstrings and glutes without putting any stress on the spine to build your posterior chain while minimizing risk of injury.